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Some problems that sometimes appear in English class especially writing class is students fell difficult to get involve in learning process. As the result, the learning becomes a boring process and students difficult to build the idea to write. It is the result of the lack of interesting media which are used by the teacher in teaching.
Comic strips, comic books, and graphic novels can be used in teaching writing to encourage students to build up their idea.  They can also form the basis of several classroom activities that will engage students and generate discussion.

Media and Learning Process

Teaching is a process of communication. It has to be created through the way of teaching and exchanging the message or information by every teacher and student. The message can be knowledge, skills, ideas, experiences, and many others. Through the process of communication, the people can receive the message or information.
Media play an important role in a teaching and learning process. Media are needed to reach the objectives of teaching-learning process. As a teacher, we should use various media or teaching aids in giving the material to the students as stated by Harmer (1998: 134) that “as a language teacher, we use a variety of teaching aids to explain language meaning and construction, engage students in a topic or as the basis of a whole activity.”
Media are the tools, materials, or events that establish conditions used by a teacher to facilitate the instruction to acquire knowledge, skill and attitudes, and engage the learners in a topic or as the basis of a whole activity. Brown (1977: 2-3), defines media as the tools or the physical things used by a teacher to facilitate the instruction.
Gerlach and Elly (1980: 297) classify media in six general categories: Picture, Audio Recording, Motion Picture, Television, Real things, simulation and model, Program and computer-assisted instruction. But from these categories, not all of them can be applied in the classroom. We have to see what kind of medium that appropriate with the material we teach for.
Furthermore, according to Brown et all (1977), there are six principles of media selection:
-          Content, in this case whether the media (i.e. comic book) have significant relation with the lesson.
-          Purposes. The visual aids should contribute to the teaching and learning process significantly. It means that the media can facilitate the teaching-learning process.
-          Price. The teacher should consider whether the cost or money spent is accordance with the educational result derived from its use.
-          Circumstance of use. The teacher should think whether the aid would function effectively in that environment.
-          Learner’s verification. The teacher should consider if the tested are similar to the students whom he/she teaches.
-          Validation. The teacher must think whether there are data providing that the students learnt accurately through the use of aid.
The use of media in a teaching-learning process is very important. Locatis and Atkinson (1984) give a brief explanation on the roles of media or instructional media as follows:
1.      To entertain in this case media can be used as recreation and enjoyment.
2.      To inform. The use of media can increase awareness or present facts.
3.      To instruct. Media are used to take the viewer and listener from state of not knowing to one of knowing.

The Benefits of Using Comic in Teaching Recount Text

M. Nashir (2002: 22) says that comic, generally, is a pictorial story in magazines, newspaper, or books that is usually easy to understand and funny. Comic is an art work which has sequence of stories about characteristics, events in picture form which can be humorous, mysterious, etc.
Strengths of comics in education according to (, can be described as follows:

1.      Motivating
The most frequently mentioned asset of comics, as an educational tool, is its ability to motivate students. Through comic as a medium the teacher can give motivation to the students to learn English in more enjoyable and interesting ways.
2.      Visual
Comics, being composed of pictorial and other images, are a fundamentally visual medium. The interest of students in comics’ picture emphasizes the potential of visual medium.
3.      Intermediary
Comics can serve as an intermediate step to difficult disciplines and concepts. Many language arts educators have used comics in this manner with tremendous success. Karl Koenke ( suggests that comics can lead students toward the discipline of learning. Hutchinson’s experiment ( found out that many teachers discovered comic strips to be particularly useful in special classes or for slow learning pupils in regular classes.
4.      Popular
Comic is a popular reading for children. If we ask the students, whether they have read comic or not, most of them would say, “yes.” It is very popular because comic has interesting story and full of colors. That is why the children like it.

Sometimes learning activity such as reading and writing become something that makes students become boring rapidly. Reading passage that not interesting or doesn’t have correlation with their daily life make them lazy to read. And when they are asked to write, they have difficulties in build their idea.
In order to make writing recount text more interesting, good media are needed. The term ‘media’ is defined by Brown: J. W, Richard B. L, Fred F: H (1969: 2-3) as tools or the physical things used by a teacher to facilitate the instruction. According to Gerlach and Elly (1980: 245), to select the appropriate media, the teacher must consider the characteristics of the students, which directly related to the learning process such as verbal abilities, visual and audio perception skills. Other factors which also ought to be considered in media selection come from our instructional system model, that is, the organization of groups, the time available and the space in which the media will be used (Gerlach and Elly: 255). Comic is one of the many media to teach story retelling.
Comics are an art form using a series of static images in fixed sequence. Using English comics as a means for teaching recount text can be very pleasing and interesting for the students. By using English comics students will be more interested and more active in learning. They will feel something new and different from what they usually get in their class. With the use of English comics they will be active as participants and they have more a chance to express their minds, emotions, feelings and attitudes.
As Walt Disney says, animation, an element of comics, offers a medium of story telling and visual entertainment which can bring pleasure and information to people of all ages everywhere in the world. Although the comic is written in English, the students of Junior High School will enjoy reading it for the following reasons: 1) Comic is a light and easy-to-understand reading material. It has pictures and contains short conversations in “bubbles” of speech. The vocabulary used there can be inferred from both pictures and the context, so the students do not waste their time to look up the meaning of difficult words in a dictionary. 2. The sentence structures, which are used in comics, are simple. They enable students to understand what the sentence means.

How to Use Comics in Teaching Writing

In teaching writing recount text, we use comic as the material which students will report. Here, using of comic in order to make the students easy to understand the events because there are some pictures as the sign and also to interest them.
The material that the writer uses in this mini research is one of manga (Japanese comic) with English language. The content of comic material is adjusted with the genre which is much-loved by the people in the age of the respondents. 
In this research, the writer uses a short comic strip that consists of 30 strips or pages. So every person in a group gets 6 or 7 pages.

The teaching activity we use is group activity. In other words, students work together with their peers in a small group.

Activity 1: preparation

This is the first activity. Before teacher asks students to make a group and work in their group, what teacher has to do is giving some information to the students that will be their pervious knowledge when they work in group later.
Because our focus here is how to form a recount text so, in the first activity, teacher has to give clear understanding to students about what is recount text, the criteria, language features, the purpose, how to construct the text, and many other part which have correlation with recount text.

Activity 2: Jigsaw activity

a.       Making a home team
After giving understanding to the students about recount text, the teacher next divides the students in to small groups which consist of four people. This group named “home team” every person in group then gets a head number A,B,C and D. Every student in group will get 7 pages of comic.    
b.      Making an expert team
After disport the comics, then teacher make an expert group. In this section, students who get the same page, bound together in a team which named “expert team”. In this team, they will discuss the comic they get. After read the comic, they then discuss what the comic talking about and try to make a short text in form of recount text to retell the story they have read.
c.       String up the part
After doing discussion in an expert team, now the students have to back to their own group and tell their friends about the result of their discussion. They, with their group, they try to string up all of the part of their recount in a good order.

Activity 3: speak in front

After finish their recount text, now the students have to present their recount text in front of the class. Teacher will call the head number randomly. So, every student have to master the material and ready to present it.

The way to asses

To know whether this technique works or not in order to increase students’ interest in writing recount text, the writer uses a questionnaire to measure students’ interest.  
After doing learning activity, the writer asks the respondent to fill the questionnaire which consists of 36 questions and the students have to give score 1 - 5 for each question. The writer then count the average point of each respondent and the result is as follow:
Name of Respondents
Score Average
Yulia Minah Arifta
Fandi Ardiansyah
Anugrah Puspita Ayu
Karmila AS Wellem
Fadlan Salim
Asrianto Lakalau
Andi Ayu Lestari
Wd. Nurmaulid
1,00 – 1,49 = bad
1,50 – 2,49 = not so good
2,50 – 3,49 = good enough
3,50 – 4,49 = good
4,50 – 5,00 = very good

The table above show that the score average is between 3,46 – 4,85. It means that this technique is a good one to increase students interesting in writing recount text.


Best, J. W. 1981. Research in Education (4th edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall

Inc.Brown, J. W; Lewis, R. B; Harcleroad, F. F. 1977. AV. Instruction: Technology, Media and
          Methods. New York: Mc Grow Hill Company.

Gerlach, Vernon. S, and Elly, Donald. P. 1980. Teaching and Media: A Systematic Approach.
          New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Harmer, Jeremy. 1998. The Practice of Language Teaching. Cambridge: Longman.


scan0003.jpgThe Example Of Material




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris                                                                      
Hari/tanggal : ………………

1.      Pada kuesioner ini terdapat 36 pernyataan. Pertimbangkan baik-baik setiap pernyataan dalam kaitannya dengan materi pembelajaran yang baru selesai kamu pelajari, dan tentukan kebenaranya. Berilah jawaban yang benar-benar cocok dengan pilihanmu..
2.      Pertimbangkan setiap pernyataan secara terpisah dan tentukan kebenarannya. Jawabanmu jangan dipengaruhi oleh jawaban terhadap pernyataan lain.
3.      Catat respon anda pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia, dan ikuti petunjuk-petunjuk lain yang mungkin diberikan berkaitan dengan lembar jawaban. Terima kasih.

Keterangan Pilihan jawaban:
1 = sangat tidak setuju
2 = tidak setuju
3 = ragu-ragu
4 = setuju
5 = sangat setuju

PERNYATAAN                                                                                           Pilihan Jawaban
1.      Pertama kali saya melihat pembelajaran ini,saya percaya                                  1    2    3    4    5
2.      bahwa pembelajaran ini mudah bagi saya.
3.      Pada awal pembelajaran, ada sesuatu yang menarik bagi                                  1    2    3    4    5
4.      saya.
5.      Materi pembelajaran ini lebih sulit dipahami daripada yang                                1    2    3    4    5
6.      saya harapkan.
7.      Menyelesaikan tugas-tugas dalam pembelajaran ini membuat                            1    2    3    4    5
8.      saya merasa puas terhadap hasil yang telah saya capai.                                     1    2    3    4    5
9.      Materi pembelajaran ini sangat menarik perhatian.                                            1    2    3    4    5
10.   Pembelajaran ini sangat abstrak sehingga sulit bagi saya                                   1    2    3    4    5
untuk tetap mempertahankan perhatian saya.
11.  Saya sangat senang pada pembelajaran ini sehingga saya                                   1    2    3    4    5
ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut pokok bahasan ini.
12.  Halaman-halaman pembelajaran ini kering dan tidak                                          1    2    3    4    5
13.  Isi pembelajaran ini sesuai dengan minat saya.                                                   1    2    3    4    5
14.  Tugas-tugas latihan pada pembelajaran ini terlalu sulit.                                       1    2    3    4    5
15.  Saya benar-benar senang mempelajari pembelajaran ini.                                    1    2    3    4    5
16.  Saya telah mempelajari sesuatu yang sangat menarik dan tak                              1    2    3    4    5
terduga sebelumnya.
17.  Gaya tulisannya membosankan.                                                                         1    2    3    4    5
18.  Sedikitpun saya tidak memahami materi pembelajaran ini.                                   1    2    3    4    5
19.  Guru benar-benar mengetahui bagaimana membuat kami                                    1    2    3    4    5
menjadi antuasias terhadap materi pelajaran.
20.  Pembelajaran ini kurang menarik bagi saya.                                                        1    2    3    4    5
21.  Guru membuat materi pelajaran ini menjadi penting.                                            1    2    3    4    5
22.  Guru membuat suasana menjadi tegang apabila                                                   1    2    3    4    5
membangun sesuatu pengertian.
23.  Materi pembelajaran ini terlalu sulit bagi saya.                                                     1    2    3    4    5
24.  Saya merasa bahwa pembelajaran ini memberikan                                              1    2    3    4    5
banyak kepuasan kepada saya.
25.  Saya senang bekerja dalam pembelajaran ini.                                                      1    2    3    4    5
26.  Saya puas dengan evaluasi yang dilakukan oleh guru                                            1    2    3    4    5
dibandingkan dengan penilaian saya sendiri terhadap
kinerja saya.
27.  Isi pembelajaran ini sesuai dengan harapan dan tujuan                                           1    2    3    4    5
28.  Guru melakukan hal-hal yang tidak lazim dan                                                        1    2    3    4    5
menakjubkan yang menarik.
29.  Para siswa berperan aktif di dalam pembelajaran.                                                 1    2    3    4    5
30.  Guru menggunakan bermacam-macam teknik mengajar                                         1    2    3    4    5
yang menarik.
31.  Saya tidak berpendapat bahwa saya akan memperoleh                                         1    2    3    4    5
banyak keuntungan dari pembelajaran ini.
32.  Manfaat pribadi dari pembelajaran ini jelas bagi saya.                                            1    2    3    4    5
33.  Saya berpendapat bahwa tingkat tantangan dalam                                                 1    2    3    4    5
pembelajaran ini tepat, tidak terlalu gampang dan tidak
terlalu sulit.
34.  Saya merasa agak kecewa dengan pembelajaran ini.                                            1    2    3    4    5
35.  Jumlah tugas yang harus saya lakukan adalah memadai                                        1    2    3    4    5
untuk pembelajaran semacam ini.
36.  Saya memperoleh masukan yang cukup untuk                                                      1    2    3    4    5
mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan kinerja saya.

Rekap skor yang diberikan siswa terhadap pernyataan-pernyataan dalam Angket Minat Siswa dibuat dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
1.      Untuk pernyataan dengan kriteria positif: 1 = sangat tidak setuju, 2 = tidak setuju, 3 = ragu-ragu, 4 = setuju, dan 5 = sangat setuju.
2.      Untuk pernyataan dengan kriteria negatif: 1 = sangat setuju, 2 = setuju, 3 = raguragu, 4 = tidak setuju, dan 5 = sangat tidak setuju.
3.      Mengitung skor rata-rata gabungan dari kriteria positif dan negatif tiap kondisi, kemudian menentukan katagorinya dengan ketentuan skor rata-rata 1,00-1,49 = tidak baik, 1,50-2,49 = kurang baik, 2,50-3,49 = cukup baik, 3,50-4,49 = baik, dan 4,50-5,00 = sangat baik.

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