Title                     : Improving students’ writing achievement through 
                               Paired Report Writing at second year students of 
                               SMA Negeri 7 Kendari

wtiter/researcher : Zakridatul Agusmaniar Rane

Year                      : 2012

This thesis was submitted as a partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Kependidikan at English Study Program of Language and Arts Department  Haluoleo University

This thesis is 128 pages consist of :

1.1. Background of Study
1.2. Research Question
1.3. Objective of the study
1.4. Significant of the Study
1.5. Scope of the Study
1.6. Action Hypothesis 
1.7. Definition of Terms

2.1. Writing as Laguage Skill
2.2. Aspects of Writing
2.3. Teaching Writing in EFL/ESL class
2.4. Hortatory Exposition Genre
2.5. Teaching Writing through Paired Report Writing
2.6. Review of Relevant Study

3.1. Subject of the Study
3.2. Factor that will be Observed
3.3. Design of the Study
3.3.1. Planning
3.3.2. Action and Observation
3.3.3. Reflection
3.4. Instrument of the Study
3.5. Procedure of Teaching Writing through Paired Report Writing
3.6. Data of Study
3.7. Technique of Data Collection
3.7.1. Observation
3.7.2. Students’ Final Composition
3.8. Technique of Data Analysis
3.9. Evaluation
3.9.1. Marking Scheme
3.9.2. Inter-Rater Agreement

4.1. Findings
4.1.1. Students Writing Problem
4.1.2. Activity in the First cycle
a. Planning
b. Action
c. Observation
d. Reflection
4.1.3. Activities in the Second Cycle
a. Planning
b. Action
c. Observation
d. Reflection
4.2. The Result of Students’ Writing Achievement before and after Treatment
4.3. Discussion
5.1. Conclusion
5.2. Recommendation

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The research question of this study is “can paired report writing improve writing achievement of second year students at SMA Negeri 7 Kendari in terms of content and organization?”. The objective of this study is to to improve writing achievement of second year students at SMA Negeri 7 Kendari under paired report writing technique. The subject of this study is students in class XI IA 1 of SMA Negeri 7 Kendari who enrolled 2011/2012 with the total number of students is 27 students. The design of this study is classroom action research which covered four steps, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. This study was conducted in two cycles with the writing material is limited in writing hortatory exposition text and students’ composition were assessed by two independent raters. Before paired report writing technique applied, students’ mean score was 55,63 (unsuccessful category)  from the criterion of successful 65 in which 4 students or 14,8% who categorized in good level and 23 students or 85,2% who categorized in poor level. The students’ crucial problems related to content and organization aspect of writing.
            After applying the technique in the first cycle, students’ achievement increased to 4 students or 14,8 % who got good to average categorized, 17 students or 63,0 % who got fair to poor categorized, and 6 students or 22,2 % who got very poor categorized, with the mean score 62,3 from 27 total number of students. In this first cycle, students who have achieve the target were 15 students or 55,6%. Students’ difficulties still occur on the two components of writing; content and organization.
            The result after reflecting students’ mistakes and guiding their difficulties at the second cycle showed that students could solve their problems in writing. In content, no one student got very poor category,  7 students or 25,9% who got fair to poor, 18 students or 66,7% who got good to average and 2 students or 7,4 % who got excellent to very goodcategory. In organization, no one student got very poor categorized, 6 students or 22,2% who got fair to poor,  18 students or 66,7% who got good to average and 3 students or 11,1%who got excellent to very good category. Therefore, 22 students or 81,5% who had achieved the target and only 5 students or 18,5% who had not achieve it with the mean score was 75,3 (successful category). From the result of evaluation, revealed that paired report writing positively improved the students’ writing achievement at class XI IA1 of SMAN 7 Kendari.

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